Friday, January 16, 2009

Quito Impression

I have been getting more and more comfortable in this city, I feel as though I can work with the chaotic flow of Quito life. When I first arrived I was completely out of my element and didn't really know how to handle it all. Now that I have had several days to observe the people and get a deeper feel for the city, I feel settled in. Next week we will be traveling to the Tiputini Research Station located in the amazon river basin. I am most excited about this trip.


Anonymous said...

Hi Scott, Nice pictures...I guess you are out of your element...completely different down there! What a wonderful experience. We are reading your blog...take care.
A. Pauline

slyporcine said...


Your blog is just great, what a fine writer you are and photographer too. I am reading with great interest because I am threatening to visit there in April. I must say that your depictions make it very inviting. Thanks for meeting Molly yesterday, I know that made everything so much easier for her, and it certainly made her happy.

Michael of the Frozen Tundra