Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Visitor

Beach In Puerto Villamil

This Past week I had Molly visit me during her spring break. She is currently studying abroad on mainland Ecuador in Quito. She arrived in San Cristobal on the 29th of March and left yesterday. During her stay in the Galapagos I attempted to show her the sights, which struck me as the most amazing; this included a trip to Isabela and Santa Cruz islands to see penguins, flamingos, giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and sea lions. We were able to swim with the sea lions on multiple occasions which is always fun because the younger ones are so playful. Although Molly did get a bit sick from a combination of the altitude change and the water, we managed to have an amazing time together. It was nice to share this experience with someone I know from back home.

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