Monday, May 25, 2009

G' Day

Volcano Pichincha West of Quito

Hello. I'm heading home today and I'm excited for a lot of things but I feel as if I will miss just as much about Ecuador. For instance the number one thin I will miss are the people, especially the men on the coast that pull their shirts up over their huge bellies in order to cool down. one thing I won't miss is the feeling of insecurity. Being here has let me stand back and see that the police officers in the United States do an amazing job compared to the "police" in Ecuador. Here you can often see police wandering the streets hissing at women and sometimes drinking. where as in the US our police officers are well trained and maintain a respectable presence. I still haven't lost sight of the many downfalls of our police force but i have a new appreciation for their presence.

This past two weeks has been really nice with molly, we weren't together the entire time because she had classes but we went on a few trips to the highlands, markets, and the coast. Those times when I was left on my own while she was in class I was able to meet up and have coffee with an Australian friend from my program who is traveling South America.

Our last trip was to the Ecuador coast to a town called Atacames. here molly's friends host mother had a house on the beach where we hung out for the weekend.

It will be nice to see friends and family once again after five months abroad. I pretty sure I will be heaing to Southern Mexico on a research trip with one of my professors in August so keep an eye out for the possibility of another blog session.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Empty Space

USFQ GAIAS from Playaman

So my Galapagos journey has come to an end and I now reside in Quito. I'm sitting on the floor of Hotel Walther feeling quite empty due to the fact the people I have come to know so well over the past 4 months are missing from my life. I did not foresee this aspect of my journey but it was relatively difficult to bid farewell. Most people are headed back to the states but a few of us are traveling South America and I actually will have a chance to meet up with them once again within the next two weeks.

so refering to my original plan back on my first post, I am begining the final part of my journey. I will be living here in Quito Ecuador for the next two weeks where I will be spending time with Molly and doing heaps of hiking/walking. overall right now i feel pretty terrible about everyone leaving but it will pass in time as all things do.