Monday, May 11, 2009

Empty Space

USFQ GAIAS from Playaman

So my Galapagos journey has come to an end and I now reside in Quito. I'm sitting on the floor of Hotel Walther feeling quite empty due to the fact the people I have come to know so well over the past 4 months are missing from my life. I did not foresee this aspect of my journey but it was relatively difficult to bid farewell. Most people are headed back to the states but a few of us are traveling South America and I actually will have a chance to meet up with them once again within the next two weeks.

so refering to my original plan back on my first post, I am begining the final part of my journey. I will be living here in Quito Ecuador for the next two weeks where I will be spending time with Molly and doing heaps of hiking/walking. overall right now i feel pretty terrible about everyone leaving but it will pass in time as all things do.


Anonymous said...

Dear Scott,

I feel your pain at leaving your friends, but we will be glad to have you home safe. Love Gram

Anonymous said...

Scott, Im sorry that your sad. I know those connections that you have made in your life within the past four months will be with you for life! keep in touch as those connections may sow rewards later in life like when you go on trips and you know a friend in the state that you want to travel to , you know they will welcome you into their homes. as you would do for them! this is the wonderful life of friendship! I love you and look forward to seeing you soon! give Molly my love as well! love MOM