Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Night Sky

Lately I have been gazing at the stars more than I have in the past. After many nights of just staring I decided to learn more constellations, so far I now know Orion, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, and I'm working on Leo who only comes out later in the night when the stars are dimmer. its a very exciting hobby and I can now teach others about what I have found. Right now nothing can beat silence and a clear night.


Anonymous said...

Dear Scott,
So many beautiful pictures. Hope all is going well. I know your time away is going fast. Take care and much love. Gram

Anonymous said...

Scott learn leo cause that's my sign... i love you and miss you soooo much! stay safe and enjoy! love MOM

Anonymous said...


I've been trying to leave you a note but yer ma sez I've been doing it wrong...aaarrrrgh!

Your photos are great! BUt your narratives are fabulous. I'm so very proud of you.

LOts of love Grandpa Jeff and Hilary

Anonymous said...

Dear Scott,

Hope all is well with you. Miss you and love you. Know you are doing great things. Pictures continue to be wonderful.
Much love, Gram