Monday, March 9, 2009

Que Bueno

Northern Coast of San Cristobal, Punta Pitt

Hola amigos,

The past few weeks have been awful busy for me here on the islands. Consisting mostly of school work and classes. I finished my Introduced and Invasive Plant class about two weeks ago and am already finished with the lecture portion of my Evolution class. Within that two-week time frame we tried celebrating Carnaval, went on a snorkeling trip, and tried my skills at surfing.

So after our plant class we were told that we would be having a four-day break, which included the weekend and Carnaval, which was Monday and Tuesday. Come Friday night everyone in the Evolution class received an email from our professor, which told us that we would be starting classes on Monday and that our classes would be for two hours twice daily. Double session classes for Carnaval….party! Regardless we had a great weekend; we went to a beautiful new beach with lots of marine iguanas to hang out with. Carnaval days were not fun, nor were the following class days. The best part of our Evolution class was the fact that our professor was one of the co-founders of the GAIAS program and so he was very knowledgeable. He was also able to organize an amazing Saturday field trip for the whole program.

Our field trip started out with a boat ride to Kicker Rock, one of the best diving spots in the world, known for the schools of hammerhead sharks. At this spot we were able to go snorkeling to look for some amazing water life. The sad part was that the visibility was terrible and we saw hardly anything. As soon as I had jumped into the water looked down and saw a 4 ft Galapagos shark about 1.5 meters below me, after that I saw algae and plankton. After kicker rock the boat took us to Punta Pitt, which is known for the presence of all three Boobie Species (Blue-footed, Nazca, and Red-footed). The coolest part was that Punta Pitt at the time was actually closed to the public but our professor was able to pull some educational strings to get us access. We preformed a wet landing and then went for a short hike around the area after the hike we went snorkeling at a nearby island called Isla Pitt. The visibility at this location was tenfold better and we were able to see plenty of fish and sea lions. From this location we proceeded to isla lobos where we were able to swim with lots of sea lions.

This past Saturday we went back to Puerto Chino beach and borrowed a surfboard from a friend. The waves we pretty small and we weren’t able to stand up on the board but it was fun to cruise around. We spent the whole day on the beach which involve the setting up of my hammock and a long siesta. After our mid day nap we tried some more surfing the played some Frisbee. 5:30 was the time we told the taxi to come and pick us up at so we went back to the road and waited an additional 45 minutes for our taxi to arrive. We wanted to pay him a little less (10 from 15) but he complained, saying his truck broke down and that he didn’t need to come back and fetch us. We paid him full, not because we believed him but because it is such a small town and we would probably be seeing him again.

I have one week to write an research article on storm petrels of the Galapagos islands and then I will be finished with my evolution class. Until then I suppose I should be quite busy. Love you all.


Anonymous said...

good luck on your paper! the week sounds like you were busy, but in an exciting way! take care and Scott Thanks for the update i know it takes time for you to do and we all here in vermont appreciate it! love mom!

Anonymous said...


Everything you write is so interesting. It almost feel's like we are with you. Much love Gram